Thursday, March 26, 2009


This albany shit it's hard.  That's not to say that there aren't moments.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Back in the ALB

One of the many challenging things about albany is the lack of a Camera.  It didn't used to be challenging.  I didn't really take pictures before, except in the naughty sense in exchange with certain compadres dribbling astrophysics in exchange. HOT.  Anyhoo.... 

It's a genuine challenge, this blogging thing in Albany.  My brain works differently.  More later...

Photo booth is the new digital camera

The second to last day I fooled myself into thinking I could teach myself Logic.  heh heh.  It rapidly became more compelling to take photos with photo booth.  Cocoa Butter naked sun.  Duh.  Logic? Cocoa butter. 

A Truly Psychedelic Meltdown

They never made it to the beach.  It is somehow an apt pile.  This was their end...  Until next time, no time, that is.

goodbye outdoor shower

It won't be as long as usual until another outdoor shower is had.  Grafton here we come.  Warm? not so much.

Tribute to Granny Madge

Lou, always remembers this one photo of Her dad's mom, Madge, before she was ever conceived, and I.  (convoluted sentence flag) She'll pull her pants up and pretend she's us.  So here we are.  If only will somebody out there show madge this picture?  Hambone?

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Can anyone who is reading this Blog, please tell me if it's possible to post?  If it's not than email me at  Thanks dudes.
Went to an overwhelming flower festival after having gotten a mere smidge of sleep, forgot to take photos.  OOOPs.  ma got some nice orchids-photoupdate tomorrow.
lovee dovee shnookee wookee.

Friday, March 13, 2009

This one watered my eyes

My mom took this photo in the morning as I soundly slept.  I saw it for the first time tonight.  The thoughts that grew in my head were as follows.
As a parent I like to remember as often as possible, that it is of the utmost importance for Lou to feel the depth of simple captivation with herself as I feel for her.  The more this has become important in that direction the more it has become important in the other direction.  I find it much easier to be taken aback by her beauty than my own.  I think we can meet somewhere in the middle.

Just the daily routine

I swear this is just what happens to us here.  It's happened to me, like, twice.  The family just showed up and dropped hand-fulls of rose petals on me.  

I'm inclined to not even need to believe this, it just sounds so good

Lou's exploration in Digital Photography.

Jerry's the burrito, Lou's the sour cream

This is what happens when people dedicate a night to smelling

This was definitely some refined hippy shit.  You know how some people get together for a weekly study group?  Well some homies here are distillation nerds.  Essential oil distillation.  They collect things like local cedar or jasmine blossoms or rosemary and make essential oils.  It's kinda dope.  Harps, soprano sax, charcoal and journals.  Whattaya think ALB?

This is what happens when kids spend the day at the beach

Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 11th

The last few days, we've actually had things going on.  The whole devoting hours to blogging in the tropics is a little absurd.  More photos tomorrow.  The Sun shone through the clouds, we're a bit burnt.  Two years in the northeast has turned us lily white.  No longer.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Sun Kinda Came Out

mother daughter You Know What party

For those of you who have utilized such things in the past, It's getting fed-ex'd to Alb.  Gaetano, I expect a full rendition of Les Mis,

exploring the underground


Moving up in the world

Monday, March 9, 2009

March 8th observations

Since we've been here the wind has whipped the lush round and round, the rain has pounded in monsoon sheets, the wind chimes excitedly singing their pristine songs.  Tonight was a family night.  My family is not the common family, it's not the family I had as a child.  It's the family I wanted as a child.  Highly expressive, completely open, lovingly confrontational, expansive and grateful.  
Everyone is sleeping now, and as I do every night I have a few drags off of a rolly.  The wind and the rain have stopped.  Everything is still except the four cats meandering around the deck.  This is all okay with me somehow.  I remember wanting something else or something more, and it's no longer true.  We'll never stop working.  We're a family of workers.  Kathy told me that I've grown into my face, she was complimenting the age she sees.  It's true, I don't feel twelve so much anymore.  

the oompaloompa's hard at work

They are in the process of designing a more adaptable brigade.  The rain and wind have forced us to come up with new digs for the pigs.

Still no beach?

This is the hybridized version, complete with galoshes and rain hats.  It's the only way to go in these monsoon times.

Sol's new tattoo

Chew on That.

Make your own damn shish kabob!

The Women of the Family: Granny's n Sisters

Lou the Mole

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Brigade's lookin a bit hagard...

I'm really rooting for them, though, I believe the beach will be the end, a sandy salty end.

The Responsible One

This is Stefan, He and I had a sushi party for our marriage in 2000.  It was on a cliff which I would have jumped off of if either of us thought we'd be together till death did us part.  He's a part of my family and I am grateful to his dedication to us spending time with the family this year.  

Henry Hambone begets Lousiana Lambone

Ham Hat

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Not dead, just sleepin.

It's stupid O'clock and the brigade has found a nice sprig of cedar to rest their weary heads.  

I think Lou's tryna say something

Notice that the governess has given each of the ducks an egg within a nest to carry upon their backs, how strangely human.

Hey Lindsey...

...I didn't lose them, they were here all along.

Lunch that speaks of love from my mom, superhero of nutrition

Ahh, a year round growing season

My entire life, my mom has always had a garden.  She is as hardworking a person as can be known.  I like to sleep.  I dream of gardens in spring.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Psychedelic Duck Brigade

Le Brigade de Canard Psychedelique contemplates a Swim.  If only they knew of the tropical place in which they live their only slightly flexible life governed completely by Lou.  Yikes.  We are surrounded by BEACHES! for the love of freedom, perspective and worldliness take them there!  A am but a witness.
A mere facilitator, in the life of this governess.  Lousiana the Ligntnin', so terrible so powerful so capable...  Toilets, heh. 

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Impromtu Tropic Lightning

So, Lou and Cole are with Mama Marlene, Gpa Dennis, and Unky Elie.  We just flew right over grandpa Bizzle, thus, Lou is thrashing 'round in the sand.  
I decided to document this brief jaunt in the interest of interest in our lives.  I forget to take interest in the little daily shit, but this shit's interesting.  My Ex-husband bought us tickets to maui.  
I did not plan to plane it here, for the first time in at least Five years, but It's tricky to say no to an all expense paid Vacay-fuck carbon.(...UGH)  I tried to get him to fly us to Peru, but no such luck.
Sometime soon it's gonna be horses and boats, bitches, sometime so soon.